


Dermapen is the latest technology in microneedling. Where good results have already been achieved with the Dermaroller, the Dermapen goes one step further. The Dermapen works faster, is less sensitive and works even more effectively and accurately.

The skin therapists of Dansys Skin Clinic can treat you with the Dermapen in the Gorinchem and Den Bosch locations. Interested? Contact us today for an appointment!

The Dermapen uses very small needles, which vibrate and vertically make very small channels in the skin. These minuscule channels are not visible to the naked eye, but 'wound' just enough to activate the skin in a natural way. Through this stimulation we use the natural recovery process, which starts deep in the skin. The stimulation in the connective tissue releases growth and healing factors, which ensure the production of collagen and elastin.

Indications Dermapen:

* Acne scars
* Sun damage
* Pigment disorder
* Coarse skin structure / Enlarged pores
* Fine lines and wrinkles
* Stretch marks / Stretch marks


What does the Dermapen do to your skin?

Because connective tissue is stimulated deep in the skin, you will notice that the skin becomes firmer and smoother after a few treatments. Relief from acne scars and wrinkles gradually diminishes. Cell division also gets a huge boost. Old cells flake off more quickly in the weeks after the treatment and new cells are produced more quickly. The horny layer becomes nice and thin again, as it should be. As a result, blockages are less likely. Treatment with the Dermapen therefore also has a purifying effect. Excessive pigment (sun spots, which are present in the horny layer, also flake off, causing sun damage, age spots and other superficial pigment spots to fade). Your skin complexion becomes smoother and more radiant. Finally, serums with high-quality active ingredients can be absorbed much better into the skin.