
Almost everyone has a scar, either as a result of acne or for example after an operation, fall or accident. You can go to our skin therapists for the treatment of these scars, but the skin therapist can also inform you about the prevention of new scars (for example in the case of acne).

The professional skin therapists at Dansys Skin Clinic treat scars with  camouflage therapy ,  (chemical) peels  and the  Dermapen, among other things.  Make an appointment today at one of our branches in Den Bosch and Gorinchem.

How do scars arise?

In order to understand how a scar forms, it is important to know something about the course of wound healing. A wound heals in three phases. The inflammatory phase lasts one to four days from the onset of the wound. During this phase, the body cleanses the wound and the actual wound healing begins, producing scar tissue and collagen fibers. The regeneration phase lasts from the fourth to the twenty-first day. Blood vessels, collagen fibers, lymph vessels and nerves will recover in this phase. The ripening phase begins on the twenty-first day and can last a year (or more). In this phase, a balance is established between the production and breakdown of collagen fibers. The scar becomes less red, more superficial and smoother.

Scars form when wound healing is disrupted. Such a disturbance can have various causes, such as an infection, a poor general condition or poor blood circulation in the wound area. In addition, wounds in some places of the body are difficult to heal.

What types of scars are there?

There are different types of scars: atrophic, hypertrophic and keloidal scars. In most people, a wound heals normally. A 'normal' scar remains in the form of a thin line. This stripe can become white in color or darker than the normal skin color. In the atrophic variant, the skin under the scar has decreased. This often looks very thin and retracted. Hypertrophic scars are wide and pink in color. In this type of scar, too much collagen tissue has been formed. A hypertrophic scar lies above the skin. Keloidal scars are similar to the hypertrophic variety, but they grow beyond the boundaries of the wound area. Keloidal scars often arise after trauma and are more common in black people than average.

What can Dansys skin therapists do for you?

At Dansys Skin Clinic, the skin therapists can treat problems that can occur with a scar: hypertrophy (collagen accumulation), redness, pain, itching, discoloration, hardening, adhesion, poor blood circulation, restriction of movement and edema (fluid accumulation).

The most common treatments are:
– medical camouflage of discolorations.
– massage techniques to reduce: itching and pain, hypertrophy, adhesions, circulatory disorders and edema.
– the application of pressure gaskets, tape, silicone plasters or silicone gel against redness, itching, hypertrophy and hardening. They make the scar flatter and smoother, which reduces the complaints.
– Peelings. This removes the top layer of dead cells. This ensures a flattening of the scar.

What can you do yourself?

It is best to keep your hands off your wounds. Scratching is counterproductive. In many cases, part of the treatment from the skin therapist is that you teach yourself massage techniques to massage the scar, if necessary, to reduce pain and / or promote suppleness.